Olivia Visits!
FamilySuper cute
Olivia stopped by yesterday. She’s been having a great time visiting her old friends, Charlotte, Cam, and Abbygale, as well as Aunt Amanda, cousin Kelsey, and her “Bee” and “Papa.” When the other kids left, Olivia helped Brenda and me walk Arty and Frannie through the woods and the park. We were worried that she wouldn’t be able to walk all that way (about a mile), but turns out not only could she easily walk it, she ran almost the entire way! Then off to Costco, followed by a fine evening of bubble bath and bedtime stories. I’m sure today will be even more fun, and will add more pictures if Brenda takes any. Click on a pic to embiggen, and then click to go through them.
Last Updated on December 10, 2017 by admin