Category: Beaching

Fourth of July Week at the Beach


Don, Amy, Emmalee, and Alexis drove all the way down from Michigan to spend the week with us in Rehoboth Beach. They arrived Sunday. Brenda was there to greet them. I arrived Tuesday evening, and Amanda and Arty joined us on Wednesday evening. The weather played along perfectly, with sun pretty much every day. Some days were crazy hot, but on the beach there was no humidity and a nice offshore breeze. We watched the Rehoboth Beach fireworks over the ocean on 7/3 (because Rehoboth does not believe in calendars, I guess), and over the Delaware Bay in Lewes on 7/4. We enjoyed a lot of great food, and I for one, had a great time! Here’s some pics – click on one of the thumbnails below and to the right of the image to run through them.

With the Richmond Sussmans at the Beach

Lily Playing in the Sand

I joined Brian, Susan, Dane, Nick, and Lily at the beach last Saturday. Brenda arrived the next day. I had to leave on Wednesday, because of the unfairness of the world, but I had a terrific time during the time I was there. The weather was perfect the entire time. It couldn’t have been better! Click on the first picture to embiggen, then click on the right to run through them all. I’ll let Brian or Susan add pictures from the 2nd half of the week.



We had had a terrific time at the beach yesterday. Here’s Nick and Dane playing in the waves – the water was perfect!

Don’t worry, Nick was not washed out to sea.  Here are few more pics – click a pic to embiggen


Fifty Degrees!


50degreesOh, this is nice.  When I walked outside about 7:30 this morning to take Frannie out, I was unexpectedly hit in the face with fake spring.  And it was wonderful!  It actually felt warm.   Ducks were swimming in the pond that just yesterday was frozen hard enough that Artemis could walk out onto the ice (don’t tell Amanda).  But best of all, it smelled like spring.  I know, next week we’ll get an ice storm and two feet of snow and depression will set in.   But I’m enjoying this while I can.  Besides,  I got a couple seed catalogs in the mail last week, so spring has to be on the way, right?  Is that a robin?

Here’s a picture from yesterday back when it was still winter of 3 beautiful girls, I mean 5 beautiful girls at the beach.  If you look closely, you’ll see Frannie’s nose right under Arty’s tongue above Amanda’s boot.  UPDATE:  Brenda noticed that the photo below shows three generations of our family –  Cool!


MLK Weekend at the Beach


kelseyFrannieBeachKelsey, Frannie and I drove to the beach last night after Artemis’ dog training.  Today was great – sunny, upper-40’s, probably the best day we’re going to have all weekend.  There’s something special about the beach in the off-season.  Half the shops and restaurants are closed,  and most of the folks you run into are local  There’s very little traffic.  Dogs are allowed on the beach.  But best of all, they city unscrews the parking meters and you can park anywhere for free!  Happy MLK Day!  Oh, and click on the picture to embiggen.

New vivid, vibrant, polychromatic Beach House!


So, we finally painted the bedrooms and bathrooms at the beach house.  I guess it was time since it hadn’t been repainted…ever.  Boring white walls have been replaced with less boring walls.  They were kind of shocking at first, but now I’m used to it.  Click on a pic to embiggen, then click on the picture to move to the next one.


To display your local weather, click on the 3 short lines at the top right of the widget. Delete “Washington D.C.,” and start typing the name of your nearest fairly large city. When the correct city appears in the drop down list, select it.  Wait for the Page to reload, and there’s your weather. The page should remember your city.

Washington, DC
6:29 am6:08 pm EDT
Feels like: 48°F
Wind: 8mph SSW
Humidity: 32%
Pressure: 29.8"Hg
UV index: 0
9 pm10 pm11 pm
54°F / 32°F
61°F / 37°F
66°F / 39°F

