Stream in Rutherford Park. 1/6 second. I’m not steady enough for that slow a speed, so too blurry.
I see I haven’t updated this thing since Christmas. I’m the worst. Sorry.
Sitting around the house in quarantine all day gets boring pretty quick. So, I grabbed my old Panasonic Lumix camera (thanks, Brenda!), and went for a walk along the stream behind our house. Nothing much to see, but it was a beautiful day, so I took a few pics. Also took a few pics of the flowers around the house before they all fall off. Love spring in Virginia. To see the pics, mouse over the first pic and when the cursor turns into a finger click on it, then click on the right arrow to go through them.
Wildflowers along the path. This looked a lot better walking by. You should have been there. Sorry
Part of the stream in the park behind our house. I used a slow shutter speed, but turns out I’m not steady enough for that, so it’s a bit blurry
I’ve had my eye on this tree for years waiting for it to fall. The wait is over!
It’s a rotting log. It’s ART, dammit!
This is the wisteria Brian bought his mom many years ago. It was all overgrown, so I cut it all back last year, and it’s looking pretty nice now!
These peonies look better every year.
A very old pink rosebush in the front yard
I planted these about 3-4 years ago and they have taken off. I don’t know the variety, but they never get the diseases the other roses get. I think they’re from Costco
Ron was a Managing Attorney (now retired) at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and a graduate of Michigan State University (Go Sparty!). He has lived in Virginia since 1983 with his wife Brenda, Children Don, Brian, Gabe, and Amanda, and an assortment of dogs and cats.
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