Category: Whining

Goodbye Old Friend


I guess this is it for my beloved 1995 Nissan Pickup.  It failed the Virginia safety inspection because the frame is rotting out, and there is no way to fix it.  Bastards!  I could have gotten another year out of it driving on a frame with rust holes in it,  because safety.

This truck is the first new vehicle I’ve ever had. It’s been back and forth between Michigan and Virginia countless times; it’s been to the beach even more often than that (see pic below from Google Earth of our place at the beach.  Yep, there she is sitting in the parking lot).  It’s hauled dozens of couches and chairs to and from various places… misty watercolor memories…  The truck has served me well for these twenty years.  And the 15 payment-free years have been kinda nice too!

Click on the first picture to embiggen, then click off to the right to go through the pictures.


Two Years of Posts – Gone!

Bawndo! It's what plants craveClown shoesGeneral StupidityWhining

ralphwiggumMy webhost, Webhostingpad (the Ralph Wiggum of webhosts), cancelled my account and deleted my files based on a request from someone with a different name and a different email address than mine because, why not?   And did they send a notice of this to the official email address they have on file for me.  Ha ha.  They sent it to the  person who made the request.  Hilarious!

When I finally got it straightened out, the best they could do was put the website back the way it was in 2011 because that was the last time they backed it up.

They explained to me that once the website grows over a certain size they stop backing it up, and I should have known that because it was in that one million word listing of terms I agreed to when I signed on and clicked “OK.”  Do they tell you they are going to stop backing up?  Of course not.    God I hate them.  So,  All of the posts and your brilliant comments for the last 2 years are now gone…like tears…in the rain (Blade Runner reference).  Well, lots to do –  I gotta go.


Summer’s Over


Well, today is the last official day of summer. The autumnal equinox sweeps in tomorrow morning at about 5:00 a.m. (eastern time), like a seasonal grim reaper.  So when I wake up tomorrow, It’ll be fall.  And today it’s raining, natch’.

This has to have been the shortest summer ever. Of all the projects I planned to complete this summer, I got zero done. Yet, I didn’t make it to the beach anywhere near as much as I’d have liked. I just can’t believe how fast the time goes. What on earth did I do? I plan to spend the rest of the day sulking over another wasted summer, thus wasting the final day.

BTW, the sunset picture was taken in September, 2007, on the last day of our Labor Day week vacation at Duck, N.C.


To display your local weather, click on the 3 short lines at the top right of the widget. Delete “Washington D.C.,” and start typing the name of your nearest fairly large city. When the correct city appears in the drop down list, select it.  Wait for the Page to reload, and there’s your weather. The page should remember your city.

Washington, DC
6:29 am6:08 pm EDT
Feels like: 52°F
Wind: 13mph SW
Humidity: 22%
Pressure: 29.82"Hg
UV index: 2
5 pm6 pm7 pm
54°F / 32°F
61°F / 37°F
66°F / 37°F

