Cabin Life!!

This past weekend Susan and I took the kids to the Northern Neck of Virginia to the Westmoreland State Park located on the coast of Westmoreland County, VA. We rented a two bedroom log cabin with a massive stone fireplace as the center focal point. One of the highlights of the park is a .69 mile hike that opens up to Fossil Beach. The beach is a small strip of sand flanked by two massive cliffs. Apparently high tide sweeps over the beach and unearths fossils to include shark teeth. We however, did not find any. The cabins were built in 1936 by the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) and is one of the original 6 State Parks built in Virginia. This trip was so enjoyable that we are already planing another cabin trip to Douthat State Park in the Spring!!
Last Updated on December 5, 2019 by admin
Great pics! Looks like you all had a nice time.